В монографии рассматривается образно-символическая система романа Ивана Гончарова «Обломов»: представлены различные трактовки образа Обломова, показана его сложность, органичная совместимость типического и индивидуального. ...
This monograph deals with the figurative and symbolic system in the novel „Oblomov” by I. A. Goncharov: it presents different interpretations of the image of Oblomov, demonstrates its complexity, organic combination of the ...
The history of the press is also an auxiliary science to modern history. We can discover the movements of the public spirit and reconstruct the stages of the development of literature through the newspapers and magazines ...
Pre-reading involves identifying a pre-text to establish a network of connections with the text under study. Its aim is to facilitate entry into the text, accessing its world. Reading without pre-reading is a less engaging ...
This article proposes some didactic guidelines for teaching Romanian postmodernism in pre-university education, considering the major didactic challenge posed by the complexity and diversity reflected in numerous literary ...
În ultimii ani, instituţiile de învăţământ superior din Moldova au experimentat o creş-tere semnificativă a numărului de studenţi în diverse programe de studiu în regim redus determinată de motive socio-economice variate ...
Big data technologies, cloud computing and the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) have left a great impact on education. Currently, in utmost demand are AI-powered teaching systems, which are becoming more and more ...
Following a student‟s academic progress presents its own set of difficulties in the age of digital learning. With modern digital assessment tools, learning can be engaging and dynamic in this new setting. Educators and ...
Articolul prezintă o privire de ansamblu asupra motivelor feministe din operele Annei Barvinok. Creativitatea Annei Barvinok este reprezentată de nuvele, a căror temă principală este tema soartei femeilor, a dificultăţilor ...
Acest articol prezintă rezultatele unei analize a unui număr de poezii de M. I. Tsvetaeva, în care imaginea eroului mitului grecesc antic Orfeu joacă fie un rol de formare a intrigii, fie este menţionată pentru a confirma ...
The impact of information and communication technology (ICT) on education in the last decades has been considerable. Undeniably, ICT continuously adds renewed interest to communication and learning. Modern educational ...
The given article dwells on the concept of blended learning as an innovative learning model that effectively combines face-to-face and online learning formats. It is an attempt to show different linguists' approaches to ...
The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) (2020) outlines mediation as one of the four major language skills alongside listening, speaking, and writing. It is a structured process of communication ...
The article deals with the experience of establishing interdisciplinary links between literature, painting, music and cinema at the classes on the theory of literature and on the analysis of artistic text in higher education. ...
Teaching French as a Foreign Language (FFL) in an intercultural context presents various challenges in terms of developing learners`communicative skills. This article examines the challenges of interculturality in the ...
Durante la enseðanza y aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera no sñlo se deben desarrollar las competencias comunicativas que le permitan al estudiante a comunicarse eficiente-mente. Pero hay otras series de habilidades que ...
Prezenta comunicare este doar un prim pas în cercetarea noastră, iar ulterior lucrarea va servi drept instrument de lucru esenţial pentru definirea frazeologismelor somatice în primul capitol al tezei de cercetare. Drept ...
Mulţi autori, de-a lungul timpului, au valorificat inspirat raportul dintre literatură şi mediul înconjurător, dintre om şi natură (poezia populară, M. Eminescu, V. Alecsandri ş.a.). Prin talentul lor descriptiv, prin ...
Articolul de faţă analizează etimologia referitoare la terminologia vinicolă şi abordările anterioare cercetate. În ultimele decenii au existat cercetări sporadice asupra etimologiei termenilor vinicoli a evoluţiei lor în ...
The rapid technological development has tremendously impacted people‟s every walk of life including the way they learn. Thus, researchers and educators try to look for viable solutions to harness the potential technology ...