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«Баллада» в. Шимборской в поэтической версии А. Ахматовой: из опыта сопоставления оригинала и перевода [Articol]

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dc.contributor.author Сузанская, Татьяна
dc.contributor.author Пиатковска, Кинга
dc.date.accessioned 2017-10-05T07:45:49Z
dc.date.available 2017-10-05T07:45:49Z
dc.date.issued 2017
dc.identifier.citation Сузанская, Татьяна. «Баллада» в. Шимборской в поэтической версии А. Ахматовой: из опыта сопоставления оригинала и перевода / Татьяна Сузанская, Кинга Пиатковска // Tradiţie şi inovare în cercetarea ştiinţifică, ed. a 6-a dedicată Anului profesorului Nicolae Filip : Materialele Colloquia Professorum din 29 sept. 2016. – Bălţi : Presa universitară bălţeană, 2017. – Vol. 1. – P. 15-20. ru
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.usarb.md:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/3425
dc.description.abstract This article presents the comparative analysis of “Ballad", written by Nobel prize winner W. Szymborska, and its translation created by A. Akhmatova. Special attention is paid to the comparison of the main levels of the poetical texts such as: system of images, spatial-temporal frame, lyrical action, conflict, the special features of poetics, melodics. The article demonstrates the similarities and differences between the original text and its translated version. Despite the common features, there are some differences what are explained by differences between lexical structures and syntax of Russian and Polish. There is the conclusion about the adequacy of translation and similarity of worldview (world conceptions) of these poetesses in the final of the article. en
dc.language.iso ru ro
dc.publisher USARB ro
dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internațional *
dc.rights.uri http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ *
dc.subject chronotope ro
dc.subject literatură comparativă ro
dc.title «Баллада» в. Шимборской в поэтической версии А. Ахматовой: из опыта сопоставления оригинала и перевода [Articol] ru
dc.type Article ro

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