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Factori perturbatori în aprecierea şi notarea studenţilor. Efectul Pygmalion [Articol]

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dc.contributor.author Şleahtiţchi, Mihail ro
dc.date.accessioned 2016-11-03T08:35:35Z
dc.date.available 2016-11-03T08:35:35Z
dc.date.issued 2011
dc.identifier.citation Şleahtiţchi, Mihai. Factori perturbatori în aprecierea şi notarea studenţilor. Efectul Pygmalion / Mihai Şleahtiţchi // Abordarea prin competenţe a formării universitare: probleme, soluţii, perspective: Materialele conf. şt. intern. consacrate aniversării a 65-a de la fondarea Univ. de Stat "Alecu Russo" din Bălţi, 8 oct. 2010. – Bălţi. – 2011. – P. 41-47. ro
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.usarb.md:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/2548
dc.description.abstract Speaking about the objective evaluation of the efficiency of education, it is very important to point out the need to ensure a docimologic climate of maximal correctness and impartiality. It is well known that the factors that generate a low objectivity while appreciating school results can be first of all related to the teacher’s personality and that of the student. Out of all these factors the Pygmalion effect stands out. As the Pygmalion effect has a bad influence on the didactic evaluation, it is extremely important to learn the practical modalities in „limiting its possibilities”. A meticulous analysis of the sources- especially of studies centered round the identification of „forms, methods and means which ensure a correct and objective appreciation of knowledge or abilities”- show that this problem is not knew (several generations of analysts of the educational field have been struggling with it) and that, up to this moment, a solution can be found every time one resorts to the (a) organization of some external examinations (where teaching staff from other institutional environments are invited to participate), (b) extension of works with a secret character (meaning works that ensure the anonymity of those to be appreciated), (c) involving several teachers in the process of evaluating one and the same student and (d) comparing the results of the evaluation with those accomplished in time by the school inspectors or any other person with control function (principal, vice-principal, class teacher, etc.). en
dc.language.iso ro ro
dc.publisher USARB ro
dc.subject education efficiency en
dc.subject teaching-learning process output en
dc.subject didactic evaluation en
dc.subject subjective grading en
dc.subject perturbatory factors of didactic evaluation en
dc.subject Pygmalion effect en
dc.subject blurring the Pygmalion effect en
dc.subject eficienţa învăţământului ro
dc.subject randamentul procesului de predare-învăţare ro
dc.subject evaluare didactică ro
dc.subject notare subiectivă ro
dc.subject factori perturbatori ai evaluării didactice ro
dc.subject efectul Pygmalion ro
dc.subject estomparea efectului Pygmalion ro
dc.title Factori perturbatori în aprecierea şi notarea studenţilor. Efectul Pygmalion [Articol] ro
dc.type Article en

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