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Date statistice privind activitatea biliotecilor şcolare din Republica Moldova în anul 2013 [Articol]

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dc.contributor.author Harconiţa, Elena
dc.date.accessioned 2016-11-02T15:29:57Z
dc.date.available 2016-11-02T15:29:57Z
dc.date.issued 2014
dc.identifier.citation Harconiţa, Elena. Date statistice privind activitatea biliotecilor şcolare din Republica Moldova în anul 2013 = The statistical data about school libraries activity from republic of moldova in 2013 year / Elena Harconiţa // Confluenţe bibliologice : Rev. de biblioteconomie şi şt. Informării. – 2014. – Nr 1-2(35-36). – P 48-55. – ISSN 1857-0232. ro
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.usarb.md:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/2547
dc.description.abstract USARB Scientific Library performed functions of the Library Science Centre for school libraries, college and vocational schools for 15 districts and mun. Bălţi from the North of Moldova. The Library Science Centre are collected, analyzed and summarized statistics about school libraries every year. The library work are presented by methodists of educational directions. In this article are analyzed statistical data for 2013 from the 1293 libraries that hold a collections of 10 920 473 documents. 373 735 users have borrowed 8 661 966 volumes and have accessed to 297 workstations. en
dc.language.iso ro ro
dc.publisher Biblioteca Ştiinţifică USARB ro
dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International *
dc.rights.uri http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ *
dc.subject bilioteci şcolare din Republica Moldova ro
dc.subject Biblioteca Ştiinţifică a USARB ro
dc.subject date statistice ro
dc.subject the statistical data en
dc.subject school libraries en
dc.subject „Alecu Russo” State University Scientific Library from Balti en
dc.title Date statistice privind activitatea biliotecilor şcolare din Republica Moldova în anul 2013 [Articol] ro
dc.title.alternative The statistical data about school libraries activity from republic of moldova in 2013 year en
dc.type Article ro

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