The influence of gaseous reagents on industrial glasses leads to their dealkalization, reaction products occurred on the glass surface as a bloom. The changes in structure and composition of surface layer accompany the ...
The paper aims at studying the phenomenon of adhesion between the graphite pellicles deposited through electric discharges in pulse (EDI) with metal surfaces subjected to processing on the one hand and on the other hand - ...
In this paper we will discuss some challenges related to the online teaching of Calculus, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and some methods of active teaching and learning, which would allow maintain the quality of the ...
În lucrare sînt prezentate principiile de elaborare a unui laser compact cu excimer şi rezultatele cercetărilor experimentale ale influenţei furnizorilor de halogen şi ale raportului componenţilor mediului activ asupra ...
This article talks about the independent preparation of the socioprofessional integration of students. It presents a variant of the curriculum of the circle “Weaving with willow branches”. The specific competences are listed here.
The article tackles the notions of capability, competence and gives their characteristics. It analyses the formation of competences through practicing the transfer of knowledge.
The article analyses the notions of sensation, perception, intuition. It also presents the construction and the functioning of the stands „hydraulic circuits, electric circuits”
In this article are presented the experimental studies referring to the problem of diagnostication divergent thinking of the pupils from the primary school. In this experiment there were used items wit hand without ...
O trăsătură principală a epocii contemporane este dezvoltarea vertigi-noasă a tehnicii. Tehnica provoacă transformări radicale în majoritatea sfe-relor de activitate a oamenilor, influenţînd puternic asupra vieţii societăţii.
The article presents examples of level I items (recognition), level II (reproduction), level III (skills, habits, competences). The information refers to piston rod mechanism of the internal combustion engine.
The article presents theoretical approaches to concepts of didactic evaluation on the basis of tests. The information refers to taxonomy of learning levels elaborated by B.S. Bloom and V.P. Bespalko.
The article deals with, methods of teaching pupils of elementary school the basic technology concepts of hydraulics (3 form) and electrical engineering (4 form). The article proves that the use of such methods as demonstration, ...
The article describes teaching experience in the 11-12 form at the lyceum on the basis of research method “models by direct analogy”. The necessary information ha been chosen from the optional lyceum curriculum “Basics of ...
The paper treats the problem of introducing the pupils of primary schools to the elementary technic ideas of electrotechnics. It presents examples of using the method of analogy for explaining electrotechnic notions.
The article describes the essence of the notion of creative attitude, its connection with the notions of divergent thinking, competence, creative productive activity, formative education. The examples presented refer to ...
The article describes the method of problem solving; it presents the essence of the notions „problem”, „situation-problem”, „the level of the problem”; it gives examples of problems and situation-problems.
The article deals with the formation of competences by realising relations between the subjects. It focuses on the phenomenon of science integration which forms the basis of scientific links between different subjects. ...
The article focuses on technological information selected from the school textbooks of the primary school. It gives examples of using the method of analogy while explaining technological notions.
Some results about the influence of magnetic field on deposits obtained using ASE. It was established that coefficient mass transport depends on magnetic field induction vector direction towards the discharge current, so ...