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Просмотр Articole по автору "Babii, Vladimir"

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  • Babii, Vladimir (USARB, 2015)
    Ways of implementation of innovative-artistic praxeology. The first way of implementation of innovative-artistic praxeology will be reduced to the organization and monitoring of theoretical seminars for school teachers and ...
  • Babii, Vladimir (USARB, 2005)
    Competenţa profesională a unui pedagog-muzician este de natură dinamică, deoarece, chiar simpla documentare a reuşitei într-o activitate, fixată la un anumit nivel şi verificată peste un timp, va demonstra cu totul alt ...
  • Babii, Vladimir (USARB, 2011)
    This article treats the efficiency problem from the point of view of the educational essence of music. It provides examples to demonstrate the artistic influence on pupils. The author aims at reorienting theoretical and ...
  • Babii, Vladimir (USARB, 2007)
    The author highlights the problem of efficiency of the teacher’s activity during the lesson as an important indicator of the appreciation of the practitioner’s professional level of performance. This article deals with ...
  • Babii, Vladimir; Bularga, Tatiana (USARB, 2014)
    This paper highlights the teaching technology that is subject to a fundamental rethinking, and confirms the authors’ hypothesis that the most advantageous way to make the designated area fully efficient is the launch of a ...
  • Babii, Vladimir; Ciubară, Irina; Buliga, Tatiana (USARB, 2006)
    Acum 30 de ani, în cadrul Bibliotecii Ştiinţifice, a fost constituită o nouă subdiviziune – Secţia Muzicală, numită în lexicul bibliotecar „Împrumutul nr. 3”, care urma să deservească, în special, studenţii Facultăţii ...
  • Babii, Vladimir (USARB, 2016)
    In the material is treated the problem of the deployment into the national artistic education an innovative praxeology, which constitutes a new direction of research in theoretical and practical level, being a logical ...
  • Babii, Vladimir (2006)
    The principle of proactivity as the basis of education is examined in the article. The given phenomenon contributes to the changes of personality that take place due to some organizational rules supported by individual ...
  • Babii, Vladimir (USARB, 2005)
    In musical educaţion, alongside with other domians of Pedagogics it has been focused on the change of the process content; that is the exterior factors have been more emphasizet that the interior ones. There are characterized ...

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