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Просмотр Articole по автору "Arcea, Lilia"

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  • Arcea, Lilia (USARB, 2007)
    This article presents a comparative research of the texts (literary and musical) through the semiotic and hermeneutic approaches. The research touches upon the scientific analysis of the texts, pointing out some similarities ...
  • Arcea, Lilia; Grubleac, Olga (USARB, 2005)
    This article points out the phenomenon of musical thinking though instrumental study (piano). Having been analyzed the essence of the problem we emphasized some objective features of he development of musical thinking by ...
  • Arcea, Lilia (USARB, 2006)
    The XXI-st century is considered the century of interpretation. More than ever we try to understand the essence of the world and life. Hermeneutics gives the opportunity to discover people’s mind and soul. Its basic principle ...
  • Arcea, Lilia (USARB, 2006)
    The problem of interpretation is a widly spread one which is analyzed from different points of view and in different subjects, fields, etc. Music interpretation gives the opportunity to discover a new world of communication ...
  • Arcea, Lilia (USARB, 2006)
    Articolul dat relatează faptul că în artă şi în limbaj principiul semnificant (semiologic) nu se manifestă în raportul imediat dintre sens şi formă, semnificaţie şi sunet, deoarece această relaţie este dependentă de o ...

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