Репозиторий Dspace

Просмотр по теме "tablou lingvistic al lumii"

Просмотр по теме "tablou lingvistic al lumii"

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  • Lacusta, Elena (USARB, 2010)
    The paper points out the universality of somatic phraseologisms as a result of a few extralinguistic factors: anthropocentrism of the view on the world reflected in language anthropocentrism; similitude of some life experience ...
  • Lăcusta, Elena (USARB, 2010)
    Se demonstrează un grad înalt de universalitate a frazeologismelor somatice ca rezultat al cîtorva factori extralingvistici: antropocentrismul viziunii asupra lumii, reflectat într-un antropocentrism al limbajului; asemănarea ...
  • Trinca, Lilia (USARB, 2016)
    Researching the phenomenon of space contributes to knowing the Romanian mentality. Using the psycholinguistic method of the associative experiment, we submit to investigation the way Romanian people conceive space. The ...