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Просмотр по автору "Şmatov, Valentina"

Просмотр по автору "Şmatov, Valentina"

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  • Şmatov, Valentina (USARB, 2012)
    The article addresses itself to the career opportunities of graduates of higher education in the Republic of Moldova. It explores the trends in the supply of labor for language specialists and trends in the demand for ...
  • Rumleanschi, Mihail; Şmatov, Valentina (USARB, 2014)
    The article presents the key concepts and principles of intensive teaching of foreign languages. It outlines the history of the intensive method, its specific features, the role it plays in teaching skills and routines of ...
  • Şmatov, Valentina (USARB, 2006)
    The presentation explores dictionary discourse which may be defined as a stretch of language the pragmatic aim of which is to provide linguistic information about vocabulary units necessary for the speaker’s encoding and ...
  • Şmatov, Valentina (USARB, 2011)
    The present article analyses communicative competences involved in the process of public speech preparation, its delivery, and its evaluation. It shares the experience of teaching the Course of Public Speaking at the faculty ...
  • Rumleanschi, Mihail (USARB, 2018)
    Articolul este o încercare de a prezenta mecanismul de eliminare a devierilor de formă şi de conţinut în textele de comunicare literară, folosind metoda de adecvare transsemantică a unităţii discursive. Ea rezultă cu o ...
  • Şmatov, Valentina (USARB, 2010)
    În articol, se analizează din punct de vedere al formei şi conţinutului discursul scriitorului american W. Faulkner la momentul înmânării lui a Premiului Nobel în domeniul literaturii.
  • Şmatov, Valentina (USARB, 2005)
    Teaching English vocabulary to foreign students should be based on similarities and differences between English and their mother tongue. Lexical syllabus must identify the so-called false friends of a translator and plan ...