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Title: Managementul strategiilor de activizare a preşcolarilor în activităţile matematice [Articol]
Authors: Pereteatcu, Maria
Keywords: didactic game
didactic strategies
interdisciplinarity and the learning environment
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Pereteatcu, Maria. Managementul strategiilor de activizare a preşcolarilor în activităţile matematice / Maria Pereteatcu // Tradiţie şi inovare în cercetarea ştiinţifică : Materialele Conferinţei Ştiinţifice Internaţionale, Ediţia a XII-a, 6-7 octombrie 2023. – Bălţi : [S. n.], 2024 (CEU US). – Vol. I. – P. 170-178. – ISBN 978-9975-50-319-8.
Abstract: The following aspects are addressed in the article: the evolution of psychopedagogical theories regarding the psychobehavioral development of early-aged children; the role of activities with mathematical content on children's development; didactic strategies focused on activating children such as: didactic games with mathematical content, interdisciplinarity and the learning environment.
Appears in Collections:Articole

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