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dc.contributor.authorBriceag, Silviaro
dc.identifier.citationBriceag, Silvia. Strategii de fortificare a sănătăţii psihice prin conservarea stărilor de confort / Silvia Briceag // Stil modern de viaţă: între sănătate şi stres : Materialele Conferinţe Ştiinţifice Internaţionale „Fortificarea sănătăţii angajatorilor prin suprimarea stresului organizaţional”. – Bălţi, 2014. – P. 107-113. – ISBN
dc.description.abstractThere are several models of stress, in general, and of the occupational stress, in particular. The specialized literature abounds in explanatory models of occupational stress, but often their design and the experimental results are controversial. The factors that generate the stress, affecting and influencing the individuals, the organization and the activities are varied, as well as the anti-stress remedies. In this article we will stop at one of the explanatory models of occupational stress, namely at the resources conservation / loss model. The resources conservation model is based on the assumption that people make efforts to maintain, protect and build resources, and that they perceive the actual loss of resources as a threat.en
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International*
dc.subjectsănătatea psihicăro
dc.subjectstările de confortro
dc.subjectaspectele psihosocialero
dc.subjectmediul de muncăro
dc.titleStrategii de fortificare a sănătăţii psihice prin conservarea stărilor de confort [Articol]ro
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