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Title: Psihologul ca mediator între şcoală şi familia temporar dezintegrată [Articol]
Authors: Lazo, Maria
Briceag, Silvia
Keywords: climat familial
familii dezintegrate
probleme psihosociale
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Lazo, Maria. Psihologul ca mediator între şcoală şi familia temporar dezintegrată / Maria Lazo, Silvia Briceag // Optimizarea învăţămîntului în contextul societăţii bazate pe cunoaştere : Materialele conf. şt. intern., 2-3 noiem. 2012. – Chişinău, 2012. – P. 361-364. – ISBN 978-9975-56-072-6.
Abstract: Children activity is influenced by the values spread in their families. In family sistem theories, the problems like school failure are considered to be the symptons of problems appearing in family relationship pattern. A decisive role has school psychologist in the process of event restructuring and reorganization inside and outside of the family after one member departured for working get the education optimization done school psychologists have to realize that family counseling is an oportunity for people to learn more about theirselves and their relationship so that they can assume the responsability of their own we describe some methods for specific steps involved in starting family counseling.
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