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dc.contributor.authorBularga, Tatiana-
dc.identifier.citationBularga, Tatiana. Provocarea implementării de noi opţiuni acţionale în educaţia artistică / Tatiana Bularga // Tradiție și inovare în cercetarea științifică : Materialele Conf. Şf. cu participare Intern., Ed. a XI-a, 07 oct. 2022. – Bălţi : [s. n.], 2022 (CEU SUA). – Vol. I. – P. 9-14. – ISBN
dc.description.abstractIn order to continuously stimulate the student's effort to manifest independently and successfully, a responsive pedagogical praxeology is not enough, which is reduced to the fact that the docile pedagogue seeks to put into practice the theoretical and methodical approaches presented in the specialized literature, guides, curricula. Contemporary education, especially the artistic one, urgently needs an innovative praxeology, does not take over the raw theoretical approaches, but forces the practitioner to select only the ideas from the available sources, and later to come to the students with new action options. Such a praxeology places the teacher in the role of manager with an intermediate function between theory and practice. Praxeology is the branch of science that studies the general structure of human actions and the conditions of their effectiveness. Innovative praxeology perceives pedagogy as a science and, at the same time, a reformed humanistic practice, constituted as an open system, which means that its priority objective is to review, reconceptualize educational principles, by involving all its elements, such as training, education, formation/development.en
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International*
dc.subjectinnovative praxeologyen
dc.subjectproactive behavioren
dc.subjectsuccess of personalityen
dc.subjectartistic action of teacheren
dc.subjectartistic action of pupilen
dc.subjectactional freedomen
dc.titleProvocarea implementării de noi opţiuni acţionale în educaţia artistică [Articol]ro
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