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Title: Tautology and pleonasm: semantics, structure, functioning (on the basis of publicistic and artistic discourses) : Doctoral Program: 621.01 General Linguistics; Philosophy of Language; Psycholinguistics; Applied Linguistics (the Russian language) : Summary of the Doctoral Thesis in Philology
Authors: Parahonco, Liudmila
Sirota, Elena
Keywords: tautology
semantic redundancy
intralinguistic features
extralinguistic features
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Parahonco, Liudmila. Tautology and pleonasm: semantics, structure, functioning (on the basis of publicistic and artistic discourses) : Doctoral Program: 621.01 General Linguistics; Philosophy of Language; Psycholinguistics; Applied Linguistics (the Russian language) : Summary of the Doctoral Thesis in Philology / Liudmila Parahonco ; scientific advisor: Elena Sirota ; Alecu Russo Balti State University Doctoral School of Philology. – Balti, 2022. – 36 p.
Abstract: Lucrarea de faţă include rezumatul la teza de doctor „Tautologie şi pleonasm: semantică, structură, funcţionare (pe baza materialului excerptat din discursurile publicistice şi artistice)”. Studiul realizat include analiza trăsăturilor cognitive ale enunţurilor de natură pleonastică şi tautologică din discursurile publicistice şi literare, la toate nivelurile lingvistice de stratificare: fonematic, morfematic, lexical şi sintactic.
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