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Title: Analiza indicelui competitivităţii Republicii Moldova şi eficienţei pieţei muncii conform metodei forumului economic mondial [Articol]
Other Titles: Analysis of Moldova’s competivess index and labor market efficiency according to the word economic forum method
Authors: Movilă, Irina
Suslenco, Alina
Keywords: competitiveness
national competitiveness index
labor market efficiency
human capital
competitivitatea naţională
indicele competitivităţii
eficienţa pieţei muncii
capital uman
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Movilă, Irina. Analiza indicelui competitivităţii Republicii Moldova şi eficienţei pieţei muncii conform metodei forumului economic mondial = Analysis of Moldova’s competivess index and labor market efficiency according to the word economic forum method / Irina Movilă, Alina Suslenco // Economica : Rev. Şt.-didactică. – Chişinău :ASEM, 2014. – Nr. 2 (88). – P. 32-38. – ISSN 1810-9136.
Abstract: În cadrul acestui articol, au fost analizate şi trecute în revistă aspectele determinante ale competitivităţii naţionale. S-a efectuat o analiză comparativă a situaţiei Republicii Moldova şi a ţărilor învecinate – România şi Ucraina, la capitolul competitivitatea economiei naţionale. Au fost punctate aspectele pozitive şi cele negative ale poziţiilor înregistrate de ţările analizate. În urma cercetării, s-a ajuns la concluzia că ţara noastră are nevoie de consolidarea eforturilor agenţilor economici pe de o parte şi a statului, pe de altă parte, pentru a susţine şi impulsiona accederea ţării pe tărâmul dezvoltării competitive sustenabile. In this paper, we analyzed and reviewed aspects which determine national competitiveness. A comparative analysis was made of the situation of Moldova and neighboring countries like Romania and Ukraine in terms of national economic competitiveness. The purpose of this research was to highlight the current situation in the country in the chapter “competitiveness of the national economy”. The positive as well as negative aspects of the positions taken by the analyzed countries have listed. From the research, we concluded that our country needs the consolidation of efforts by private enterprises on the one hand and the state on the other hand, to support and boost the country's accession into the realm of sustainable competitive development.
Appears in Collections:Articole

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