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Title: Local tourism: pillar of the national tourism sector development [Articol]
Other Titles: Turismul local – un pilon al dezvoltării sectorului turistic naţional
Authors: Suslenco, Alina
Keywords: local tourism
tourism sector
Republic of Moldova
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Suslenco, Alina. Local tourism: pillar of the national tourism sector development = Turismul local – un pilon al dezvoltării sectorului turistic naţional / Alina Suslenco // Dezvoltarea economico-socială durabilă a euroregiunilor şi a zonelor transfrontaliere. Vol.XXXIII. – Iaşi : Performantica, 2018. – P. 455-462. – ISBN 978-606-685-616-4.
Abstract: The representative aspects of the local tourism development in the Republic of Moldova were analysed in the paper. In this context, the legislation in the Republic of Moldova regulating the development of tourism sector as well as the tourism development strategy of the Republic of Moldova were studied. Furthermore, the dynamics of the tourist traffic in the Republic of Moldova was analysed in order to represent the situation in the Republic of Moldova with the intention of developing the local tourism. Besides, the practical elements of the local tourism development were analysed. The methodology used in this paper focused on the following methods: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, comparative analysis. In conclusion, it should be mentioned that the local tourism in the Republic of Moldova is a viable domain, in development that requires the consolidation of the efforts of the residents as well as of the state in the amplification of its development.
Appears in Collections:Articole

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