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Title: Human resources – their role foran increased competitiveness in tourism [Articol]
Other Titles: Resursele umane – rolul lor pentru o competitivitate sporită în turism
Authors: Suslenco, Alina
Keywords: human resources
competitiveness of tourism
travel agencies
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Suslenco, Alina. Human resources – their role foran increased competitiveness in tourism = Resursele umane – rolul lor pentru o competitivitate sporită în turism / Alina Suslenco // Turismul rural românesc în contextul dezvoltării durabile. Actualitate şi perspectivă. Vol. 32: Turismul rural şi agroturismul în condiţiile dezvoltării durabile: management, riscurile în activitatea turistică, turism rural-exigenţe ale dezvoltării. – Iaşi : Tehnopress, 2013. – P. 53-57. – ISBN 978-606-687-017-7.
Abstract: The Republic of Moldova is a country with a considerable tourism potential that impresses the tourists with its vineyards, by beauty and beatitude of its landscapes. The priority forms of the tourism practiced in the last decade in Republic of Moldova are: the rural tourism, the grape growing and the wine-growing tourism, the cultural tourism and the health and beauty tourism. The development of the tourism in the country is a necessity because the country has an impressive fund of monuments and miraculous landscapes. Making an analysis of the human resources employed in the tourism sphere, we noticed that people do not have studies of high quality, even if they have some knowledge in the field of tourism, their practical application is not impossible. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the staff employed in the tourism sphere in order to attract the foreign tourists and to promote the Republic of Moldova as a tourism direction.
Appears in Collections:Articole

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