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Title: Turismul educaţional – o interfaţă a mobilităţilor academice în Republica Moldova [Articol]
Other Titles: Educational Tourism – an interface of Academic mobility in the Repablic of Moldova
Authors: Suslenco, Alina
Keywords: educational tourism
academic mobility
higher education
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Suslenco, Alina. Turismul educaţional – o interfaţă a mobilităţilor academice în Republica Moldova = Educational Tourism – an interface of Academic mobility in the Repablic of Moldova / Alina Suslenco // Comunicarea internaţională : lucrările Conferinţei Şt. Intern., 25 mai 2018. Vol.2 : Educaţia şi arta ca mijloace de comunicare. – Iaşi : Ars Longa, 2018. – P. 83-90. – ISBN 978-973-148-292-7.
Abstract: In the present paper, the theoretical and methodological aspects of the evolution of educational tourism at the international as well as the national levels were analysed. Thus, the factors that favoured the development of educational tourism as well as the elements of the educational tourism were highlighted. Based on these researches, the basic aspects of the involvement of educational tourism in raising the level of education of tourists were emphasized. For these reasons, we must underline the fact that educational tourism represents, for the Republic of Moldova, a pillar of increasing the level of education of tourists and a path of increasing the competences of tourists participating in the educational tourism. The methodology used in this paper focused on the following methods: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, comparative analysis. In conclusion, we must emphasize the fact that educational tourism represents a factor of increasing the population’s welfare, given the increase in the human capital of tourists practicing this type of tourism.
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