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Title: Efectele relaţiei competitivitate - capital uman - dezvoltare durabilă asupra economiei naţionale [Articol]
Authors: Suslenco, Alina
Keywords: competitivitate
capital uman
dezvoltare durabilă
asigurarea competitivităţii
calitatea personalului
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Suslenco, Alina. Efectele relaţiei competitivitate - capital uman - dezvoltare durabilă asupra economiei naţionale / Alina Suslenco // Economic growth in conditions of globalization = Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării : Intern. Scientific and Practical Conf. 9-th ed., oct. 16-17, 2014 : în 2 vol. – Ch.:INCE, 2014. – Vol.2. – P. 265-269. – ISBN 978-9975-4185-0-8 ; ISBN 978-9975-4185-2-2.
Abstract: This paper reviews the determinant aspects of the relationship of competitiveness - human capital - sustainable development. The interconnection between these three concepts was thoroughly analyzed, proving their close relationship with the economic system. These three concepts were chosen to be researched since, by means of the globalization of the economy, with the invasion of products and foreign services on the national market, local companies should be able to compete, to secure a high level of competitiveness in order to achieve sustainable progress. The core of this goal is the human capital, which is considered the decisive element of insuring, maintaining and increasing competitiveness, also accession towards the sustainable development. Methodologically, the research has focused on the use of the following methods: analysis, synthesis, comparison, logical analysis, abduction, induction, quantitative analysis. The research methodology focused on demonstrating the interconnection of these three interrelated concepts. After this research, we came to the conclusion that human capital provides a high level of competitiveness and helps firms to succeed towards sustainable development.
Appears in Collections:Articole

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