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Title: Rolul merchandisingului în amplificarea cumpărăturilor la impuls [Articol]
Authors: Suslenco, Alina
Keywords: merchandising
vertical merchandising
horizontal merchandising
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Suslenco, Alina. Rolul merchandisingului în amplificarea cumpărăturilor la impuls / Alina Suslenco // Aspecte ale dezvoltării potenţialului economico-managerial în contextul asigurării securităţii naţionale : Conf. şt. intern., Bălţi, 30 noiem.-01 dec. 2018. – Iaşi : PIM, 2019. – P. 72-75. – ISBN 978-606-13-4996-8.
Abstract: In the present paper, the theoretical and practical aspects of the importance of merchandising at the point of sale were analysed. Nowadays, the enterprises are in a fierce battle on the way to attract consumers and create a place on the market by means of their products or services. For this reason, companies need competitive advantages that will help them differentiate and become more attractive to their consumers. A competitive advantage that can be used by businesses is the application of merchandising at the point of sale, which is a basic element of increasing the attractiveness of the products exhibited, as well as intensifying the dynamics of the whole point of sale. Therefore, from these perspectives, merchandising becomes an indissoluble element of enterprises that claim to be competitive and attractive. The methodology used in this paper focused on the following methods: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, comparative analysis. In conclusion, we must point out that every enterprise which aspires to remain on the market and to increase the consumer's interest towards its products must, and even is required to apply merchandising procedures at the points of sale. Only in this way, the enterprises will make their products more attractive, more exciting and will be able to boost the sales at impulse.
Appears in Collections:Articole

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