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Title: Implicaţiile competitivităţii resurselor umane în domeniul comerţului din Republica Moldova [Articol]
Authors: Suslenco, Alina
Keywords: competitivitate
capital uman
resurse umane
competitivitatea capitalului uman
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Suslenco, Alina. Implicaţiile competitivităţii resurselor umane în domeniul comerţului din Republica Moldova / Alina Suslenco // Perspectivele şi problemele integrării în Spaţiul European al cercetării şi educaţiei : Conferinţa şt. Internaţ., 5 iunie 2015 : [în 2 vol.]. – Cahul : US Cahul, 2015. – Vol. 1 : Atelierul 1 : Ştiinţe politice ; Atelierul 2 : Ştiinţe juridice ; Atelierul 3 : Ştiinţe economice. – P. 301-307. – ISBN 978-9975-914-98-7 ; ISBN 978-9975-914-99-4.
Abstract: As part of this work, a study has been carried out empirically on the effects of regional development of the Republic of Moldova. The research focuses on the analysis and development of the region and were analysed several indicators that form and maintain the competitiveness of a country. the stages of regional development in Moldova were outlined. Analyzing the competitiveness of the Northern Development Region, we have come to the conclusion, that must be taken into consideration also the competitiveness of the region's human capital, because human capital is considered the fundamental premise of the formation of regional and national competitiveness. Methodological research has focused on the use of the following methods: documentary research, analysis, synthesis, quantitative analysis, comparison, logical method, abduction. Following the analysis carried out, we come to the conclusion that for a balanced and sustainable development of the region, there is a need to implement the strategy of developing the competitiveness of the region's human capital.
Appears in Collections:Articole

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