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Title: Aspecte de formare a conceptului de număr natural la vârsta timpurie prin diverse jocuri [Articol]
Authors: Pereteatcu, Maria
Keywords: game
didactic game
mathematical didactic game
exercise game
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Pereteatcu, Maria. Aspecte de formare a conceptului de număr natural la vârsta timpurie prin diverse jocuri / M. Pereteatcu // Tradiţie şi inovare în cercetarea ştiinţifică : Materialele Conf. Şt. cu participare Intern., Ed. a 10-a, 08 oct. 2021. – Bălţi : [S. n.], 2022 (CEU US). – Vol. II. – P. 19-24. – ISBN 978-9975-50-272-6.
Abstract: In this article are elucidated the opinions of several authors on the didactic game, the structural elements of the didactic game and the ways of capitalizing the didactic games in the formation of the concept of natural number at an early age. Special attention is paid to didactic games with mathematical content that contribute to the formation of the concepts of number, numbering and numbers in children of early age.
Appears in Collections:Articole

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