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Title: The contribution of higher education to the discovering and development of students’ potential [Articol]
Other Titles: Aportul educaţiei universitare în descoperirea şi dezvoltarea potenţialului studenţilor
Authors: Suslenco, Alina
Keywords: education
higher education
creative potential
academic environment
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Suslenco, Alina. The contribution of higher education to the discovering and development of students’ potential = Aportul educaţiei universitare în descoperirea şi dezvoltarea potenţialului studenţilor / Alina Suslenco // Dezvoltarea economico-socială durabilă a Euroregiunilor şi a zonelor transfrontaliere. – Iaşi : Performantica, 2016. – P. 99 -106. – ISBN 9780606-685-468-9.
Abstract: In this work, there were investigated the defining aspects of the formation and development of the academic environment in the Republic of Moldova. There were also analysed the rates of enrolment in education for the past few years in the Republic of Moldova with the intent to observe what is the dynamic coverage in education in Moldova. Similarly, students’ working environment were investigated; special attention was given to the academic setting which creates, forms and shapes the future students, thirsty for knowledge, ideas, having a lot of questions and uncertainties. Thus, through this article, I tried to explain the contribution of education in universities to the discovery of students’ potential.
Appears in Collections:Articole

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