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Title: Particularităţile sferei motivaţionale a cadrelor didactice din instituţii preuniversitare [Articol]
Authors: Garbuz, Vasile
Keywords: teacher
motivation system
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Garbuz, Vasile. Particularităţile sferei motivaţionale a cadrelor didactice din instituţii preuniversitare / Vasile Garbuz // Asistenţa psihologică la etapa contemporană: realităţi şi perspective : Materialele Conf. Şt. Intern., Ed. a 2-a, 22 oct. 2021 – Bălţi : [S. n.], 2021. – P. 268-272. – ISBN 978-9975-50-269-6 (PDF).
Abstract: The socio-economic development of a country largely depends on the level of development of the educational system. The fact is that the educational system in the Republic of Moldova has evolved and is developing in a positive dynamic. However, educational institutions face a number of difficulties including: material insurance, lack or inadequacy of teachers, low level of motivation of teachers. The given article highlights various aspects and peculiarities of the motivational sphere of pedaogogos in pre-university educational institutions, various motivational systems/structures that can be applied at the institution level.
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