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Title: Интеграция аутентичных подкастов в процесс формирования иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции студентов-филологов [Articol]
Authors: Dzechiş, Svetlana
Keywords: authentic podcasts
foreign language
communicative competence
philology students
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Dzechiş, Svetlana. Интеграция аутентичных подкастов в процесс формирования иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции студентов-филологов / S. Dzechiş // Probleme de filologie: aspecte teoretice şi practice : Conf. şt., ed. a 7-a, 11 dec. 2020. – Bălți : [S. n.], 2021. – P. 107-113. – ISBN 978-9975-46-539-7.
Abstract: This article discusses the podcast technology and defines this term. Also, it highlights the main principles of selection and provides a list of criteria for evaluating authentic podcasts used in the educational process of a language university. In addition, here are described the advantages of using podcasts in the process of studying foreign languages and the didactic potential. As examples are provided some authentic audio and video podcasts in German, which are an effective teaching tool and can be used as a means of forming a foreign language communicative competence of Philology students.
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