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dc.contributor.authorMelnic, Svetlana-
dc.identifier.citationMelnic, Svetlana. Alexei Marinat: Etica confesiunii şi memoria ca mărturisire / Svetlana Melnic // Basarabia, dimensiunea morală a istoriei ; Români şi ucraineni în lumina istoriei. Identitate şi controverse la porţile Europei : Lucrările simpozioanelor internaţionale organizate de Despărţământul ASTRA "Mihail Kogălniceanu". – Iaşi: Casa Editorială "Demiurg", 2020. – P.15-21. – ISBN
dc.description.abstractIf, after the 1990s, the biographical literature in Bessarabia has registered a comprehensive success in the confessions of concentration experiences, then the ontological value of autobiography as a literary genre is affirmed much earlier, with the publication of Philippe Lejeune’s essay – “The Autobiographical Pact”. The present study represents a modest review of contemporary autobiographical theory and criticism, the emphasis being placed on evoking the autobiographical pact and the relational self, which, compared to the study of J. Starobinski, will illustrate the ethical relationship between narration and autobiography. Due to the vigilant cordiality pact and the testamentary character of Alexei Marinat’s memoirs, the latter provide the opportunity for a detailed analysis of self-awareness, which falls under the spectrum of the prison space, thus becoming an element of the paradigm of the ethical pact between the memorialist and the community. The memory, in turn, is represented to Alexei Marinat as a good of the whole community, the sense of memory existence being a relational one, manifested in the act of confession itself. Thus, the confession of the concentration experience for the diarist represents the existential responsibility and the ethical pact with oneself, with the whole community.en
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International*
dc.subjectMarinat Alexei (1924-2009)ro
dc.subjectautobiographical pacten
dc.subjectoppressive regimeen
dc.subjectconcentration spaceen
dc.titleAlexei Marinat: Etica confesiunii şi memoria ca mărturisire [Articol]ro
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