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Title: Развитие творчества учеников начальных классов на уроках фортепиано как элемент художественного воспитания [Articol]
Authors: Гладкий, Александр
Буларга, Татьяна, науч. рук.
Keywords: creative potential
art education
creative identity of each student
piano lessons
creative activity
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Гладкий, Александр. Развитие творчества учеников начальных классов на уроках фортепиано как элемент художественного воспитания / А. Гладкий ; науч. рук.: Татьяна Буларга // Interuniversitaria : Materialele Conf. şt. a studenţilor, 23 apr. 2019, ed. a 15-a. – Bălţi : Universitatea de Stat „Alecu Russo”, 2019. – Vol. 2. – P. 317-322. – ISBN 978-9975-50-241-2.
Abstract: The problem of development of creative potential of the younger student is always considered one of the most relevant in pedagogical science. Its importance is further increased due to the fact that in the new conditions there was a reassessment of ideas about the most socially significant qualities of the individual, which determines the general movement to progress in any area of society. However, one of the main contradictions, sometimes hindering the development of creative potential in the field of art education, is the provision of basically unified programs and techniques that do not contribute to the fullest disclosure of the creative identity of each student. In this study, the main means of developing the creative potential of younger students in the piano lesson is the musical and creative activity practiced systematically in the classroom, taking into account the individual characteristics of students. The basis for the use of piano lessons musical and creative activity is the orientation of the individual, its creative development and self-realization. Musical and creative activity is of exceptional value, especially for the socialization of the individual, for the development of active assimilation of social roles and relationships, manifestation of initiative, involvement of students to everything that is the subject of their Hobbies and interests.
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