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Title: Prevenirea adicțiilor la tineri prin intermediul serviciilor sociale [Articol]
Authors: Plohoi, Cristina
Priţcan, Valentina, conducător şt.
Keywords: addictions
social services
young people
social benefits
social assistance services
toxic substances
psychoactive substances
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Plohoi, Cristina. Prevenirea adicțiilor la tineri prin intermediul serviciilor sociale / Cristina Plohoi ; conducător şt.: Valentina Prițcan / Interuniversitaria : Materialele Conferinţei Ştiinţifice a Studenţilor, Ed. a 16-a, 08 oct. 2020. – Bălţi : US „Alecu Russo”, 2020. – P. 269-275. – ISBN 978-9975-50-248-1.
Abstract: The latest statistics show that an increasing number of adolescents use alcohol or other toxic substances, even if this is illegal and dangerous, so it is considered necessary to identify ways to prevent addictions to young people through social services. This article contains theoretical information on the process of identifying ways for young people to overcome addictions through social services. It reflects the conceptual approaches of addictions among young people, identifies risk factors, classification of psychoactive substances, the severity of the consequences of toxic substances used, the causes and effects of alcohol consumption. Results of experimental research that integrate with theoretical research can also be found. Thus, the research results have proved the existence of the phenomenon of addictions among young people, respectively the need for the involvement of specialists in the field in solving the situation. Practical ways of overcoming addictions by young people, which can be implemented in the working practice of social workers, have been specified. The interpretation of the research results highlights the role of social services in preventing addictions in young people.
Appears in Collections:Articole

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