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Title: Psihologia ştiinţifică în metamodernitate: divergenţe, convergenţe şi complementarităţi [Articol]
Authors: Şleahtiţchi, Mihail
Keywords: scientific psychology
metamodern scientific psychology
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Şleahtiţchi, Mihai. Psihologia ştiinţifică în metamodernitate: divergenţe, convergenţe şi complementarităţi / M. Şleahtiţchi // Psihologia în mileniul III: Provocări şi soluţii : Materialele Conf. Şt. Intern., 25 oct. 2019. – Bălți, 2020. – P. 7-25. – ISBN 9978-9975-50-246-7.
Abstract: In metamodernity, psychological science takes on a new outline. This time, it tends to fit itself in the air of an era that counts on pragmatic idealism and the spirit of involvement, the ability to decipher people or events based on data with a direct output to reality, and the idea of the reconstitution of the ego through inter-relational communication, the ability to see things in all their depth and the desire to establish an existential order in which all the states would, as a matter of fact, express a unitary logic. Although it significantly distances itself from the experience accumulated in the postmodern era and, even more so, from the experience accumulated in the modern era, the metamodern psychological science, given the fact that metamo-dernity represents an extension of modernity and postmodernity, is not completely isolated from what happened earlier. However, in the new historical conditions, what has been said during the preceding times is, to a certain extent, taken into account: the existence of universal truths, the diversity and battle of paradigms, the presence of monolithic existential factors, the importance of socio-cultural norms, of economic determinations and arbitrary-linguistic conventions, etc. In this way, the metamodern psychological science reproduces a complex epistemological construction, where originality is perfectly in tune with traditionality, discontinuity - with the spirit of continuity, and classicity – with plenary anchoring in contemporaneity.
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