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Title: Paul Goma: (r)evoluţia modelului [Articol]
Authors: Costin, Iraida
Keywords: narrative model
bivoc word
hybrid construction
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Costin, Iraida. Paul Goma: (r)evoluţia modelului / I. Costin // Tradiţie şi inovare în cercetarea ştiinţifică, Ediţia a 8-a: Materialele Colloquia Professorum din 12 oct. 2018. – Bălţi : US „Alecu Russo”, 2019. – P. 36-43. – ISBN 978-9975-50-235.
Abstract: This paragraph examines the impact of Creangă’ narrative modelon Paul Goma’s prose. The relationship between the character and the author, the narrative figures, the stylistic dominants of the story „Amintiri din copilărie” by Ion Creangă and the novel „Din calidor”by Paul Goma are analysed. It examines the dialogical poetics of the novel, the dialectical relations of the bivoc word, the hybrid construction, plurilingvism, the instinctive genius sense of the language, the intrinsec elements of the narrative model in the line of the Creangă-Sadoveanu tradition.
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