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Title: Reflections on current economic competition [Articol]
Authors: Păvăluc, Sabina-Elena
Buga, Oleg
Keywords: international relations
economic war
civil war
economic space
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Păvăluc, Sabina-Elena. Reflections on current economic competition / Sabina-Elena Păvăluc, Oleg Buga // Asigurarea viabilităţii economico-manageriale pentru dezvoltarea durabilă a economiei regionale în condiţiile integrării în UE: Materialele conf. şt. intern., 15-16 sept. 2017. – Bălţi, 2018. – P. 175-177.
Abstract: The world economy, especially referring to USA relations with Russia and the European Union relations with Russia, is in a deep crisis. This allows us to affirm the evolution of international relations in the last half year. The international reality is unique, but the perception and representation that we build is different.
Appears in Collections:Articole

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