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dc.contributor.authorNasu, Iliero
dc.identifier.citationNasu, Ilie. Aspecte ale pedagogiei societăţii Kiborg / I. Nasu // Managementul educaţional: realizări şi perspective de dezvoltare : Materialele conf. şt.-practice intern, Ed. a 2-a, Bălţi 27 apr. 2018. – Bălţi, 2018. – P. 166-170. – ISBN
dc.description.abstractToday Mankind has overtaken the first stage of development of the Cyborg Society (CS) - the Man with the hand on the control panel - practically passing to the second period of development of the CS - when the Man has to entrust the adoption of certain decisions to the AI, the latter being able to do it much faster and in a more secure way compared to the Humans. The Man continues to keep the hand on the control panel, but this can be taken over entirely by the AI. Robots with AI become full members of the human society, so they must be endowed with 171 intellect and civilized behaviour similar to the Humans. Who and How will ensure the „good family upbringing” characteristic of Humans? What will be the Pedagogics of the Cyborg Society to educate the AI to be friendly to people and avoid the apocalyptic confrontation between Humans and AI, possible in the absence of proper AI education during the third development period of the CS - when robots will outnumber people and their degree of development will enormously overwhelm the Humans' one, and the control panel will already be in the hands of the AI?en
dc.subjectsocietatea Kyborgro
dc.titleAspecte ale pedagogiei societăţii Kiborg [Articol]ro
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