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Title: Strategii de dezvoltare a personalului, existente la întreprinderile autohtone: analiza lor şi propuneri pentru Programul sectorial regional nord [Articol]
Authors: Movilă, Irina
Keywords: strategy of progress of the personnel
labor productivity
investments into the personne
competitiveness of the enterprise
competitiveness of the personnel
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Movilă, Irina. Strategii de dezvoltare a personalului, existente la întreprinderile autohtone: analiza lor şi propuneri pentru Programul sectorial regional nord / Irina Movilă // Conferinţa ştiinţifică internaţională "Competitivitatea şi inovarea în economia cunoaşterii" : Culegere de articole selective, 25-26 sept., 2015. – Chişinău : ASEM, 2015. Vol. 1. – 2015. – P. 42-47. – ISBN 978-9975-75-714-0.
Abstract: Strategy of the personnel represent the mechanism of long-term progress of the enterprise and success of business. In article are presented the results of the analysis of strategy of the personnel, studied during sociological survey. Is shown the dependence of a level of labour productivity and investments into the personnel at the enterprises of Northern region of Moldova. Are analyzed the factors the enterprises shaping competitiveness. Are developed the recommendations for the Program Sector Regional North.
Appears in Collections:Articole

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