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Title: National competitive advantage and the level of competitiveness of countries of transboundary cooperation: Moldova – Romania – Ukraine [Articol]
Authors: Movilă, Irina
Keywords: national competitive advantage
transboundary cooperation
avantaj competitiv național
cooperarea transfrontalieră
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Movila Irina. National competitive advantage and the level of competitiveness of countries of transboundary cooperation: Moldova – Romania – Ukraine / Irina Movila // Transformational processes the development of economic systems in conditions of globalization: scientific bases, mechanisms, prospects = Ekonomisko sistēmu attīstības transformācijas procesi globalizācijas apstākļos: zinātniskie pamati, mehānismi, perspektīvas. - Informācijas sistēmu menedžmenta augstskola. - Rīga (Latvija), 2018. – P. 90-98
Abstract: The tendencies of the modern development of the economy and the integrated processes orient the economists-scientists and managers-practitioners to the formation of competitive business in the long-term perspective. At the same time, the compliance and interrelation of the formation of competitiveness on three levels of management: macro-, meso- and micro-level is a prerequisite. On the other hand, specialists assert that the basis of competitiveness of any enterprise, branch, region and country as a whole is innovation and human capital.
Appears in Collections:Articole

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