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Title: Educaţia deschisă: conţinut, structură şi învăţare [Articol]
Authors: Topalo, Valentina
Keywords: MOOCs platforms
information literacy
cultura informaţiei
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: BNRM
Citation: Topalo, Valentina. Educaţia deschisă: conţinut, structură şi învăţare / Valentina Topalo // Magazin bibliologic : Rev. şt. şi bibliopraxiologică. – 2016. – Nr. 1-4 : Ed. specială în cadrul Proiectului Tempus „Servicii Informaţionale Moderne pentru Îmbunătăţirea Calităţii Studiilor”. – P. 110-114. – ISSN 1857-1476.
Abstract: Higher education is facing an unusual challenge with the advent of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), available online to learn for free.What does this mean for academic libraries? What is the role of the librarian in Moocs movement? What are the challenges that librarians now face? Which is the position of librarians in the emergence of MOOCs as wellas the role that librarians might take within research, OER production and presentation of MOOCs platforms.
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