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Title: Paradigma actuală a învăţământului primar simultan [Articol]
Authors: Briţchi, Aliona
Keywords: simultaneous education
management’s paradigmatic connections
management perspective
învăţământul primar simultan
conexiuni paradigmatice ale conducerii
perspectiva managementului
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Briţchi, Aliona. Paradigma actuală a învăţământului primar simultan / A. Briţchi // Managementul educaţional: realizări şi perspective de dezvoltare = Educational management: achievements and the development perspectives : Materialele Conf. şt.-pract. intern., ed. 1-a, 27 aprilie 2017, Chişinău. – Bălţi : S. n., 2017. – P. 174-178. – ISBN 978-9975-132-97-8.
Abstract: This article addresses the issue of simultaneous education as a complex one and the phenomenon of simultaneity is analyzed extensively, at the general level of education and educational management, by establishing the paradigmatic connections of the management of the simultaneous class of students.
Appears in Collections:Articole

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