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Title: Plicarea feromonilor sexuali pentru diminuarea densității populației fitofagului grapholitha funrbrana tr. [Articol]
Authors: Nastas, Tudor
Răileanu, Natalia
Cheptinari, Valeria
Roşca, Gheorghii
Keywords: sexual pheromone
Grapholitha funebrana
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Biblioteca Ştiinţifică USARB
Citation: Nastas, Tudor. Plicarea feromonilor sexuali pentru diminuarea densității populației fitofagului grapholitha funrbrana tr. / Tudor Nastas, Natalia Răileanu, Valeria Cheptinari, Gheorghii Roşca // Agricultura durabilă în Republica Moldova: provocări actuale şi perspective : Culegere de articole ştiinţifice. – Bălţi : Indigou Color, 2017. – P. 153-157. – ISBN 978-9975-3156-2-3.
Abstract: With the development of a new scheme for the synthesis of sexual pheromone of Grapholitha funebrana pest, developing a new pheromone composition – „[Z8-12Ac97%+E8-12Ac 3%] (10%) + H-12Ac (90%)‖ and a new dispensator was possible to develop methodological and technological processes for applying their methods of capture mass and disorientation of males. It was shown that application of appropriate methods allow to substantially reducing the population density of the given pest, the significant reduction of the damage caused and obtainment of the new production of green plums.
Appears in Collections:Articole

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