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dc.contributor.authorDanilov, Anatolie
dc.contributor.authorDonica, Ion
dc.identifier.citationDanilov, Anatolie. Utilizarea turtei obţinute din semințe de struguri de poamă, în alimentația tineretului suin la îngrășat / Anatolie Danilov, Ion Donica // Agricultura durabilă în Republica Moldova: provocări actuale şi perspective : Culegere de articole ştiinţifice. – Bălţi : Indigou Color, 2017. – P. 66-70. – ISBN
dc.description.abstractThe paper presents the results of the researches on the determination of the effectiveness of the use in the recipes of mixed fodder, intended for the fattening young swine, of the new fodder sources obtained after the industrial processing of the grapes. As a result of the researches, were obtained new results of the production and quality of the carcasses at pigs, using in the recipe the oilcake obtained from grape seeds in the amount of 4-6% / t of mixed fodder. A more effective version of the recipe was that in experimental lot I that achieved a daily average growth rate in the experimental period of 716 g, well-developed hams with an average weight of 10.96 kg, the surface of the eye muscle of 41.8 cm² , with a protein content of 19,87%, a fat of 1,82%, and a net profit for each pig sold at 154.04 lei.en
dc.subjectmixed fodderen
dc.subjectgrape seed oilcakeen
dc.subjectchemical compositionen
dc.subjectspecific consumptionen
dc.titleUtilizarea turtei obţinute din semințe de struguri de poamă, în alimentația tineretului suin la îngrășat [Articol]ro
Appears in Collections:Articole

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