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Title: Ce stă la baza motivaţiei profesorului în exercitarea cu succes a atribuţiilor sale? [Articol]
Authors: Garbuz, Vasile
Keywords: motivaţie
competenţe profesionale
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Garbuz, Vasile. Ce stă la baza motivaţiei profesorului în exercitarea cu succes a atribuţiilor sale? / Vasile Garbuz // Aspecte psihosociopedagogice ale procesului educaţional: tradiţii, valori, perspective : Materialele conf. şt.-practice intern. consacrată jubileului de 50 de ani de la fondarea Fac. de Pedagogie, Psihologie şi Asistenţă socială, Bălţi, 27 mai 2011. – Bălţi, 2011. – P. 166-168.
Abstract: In the last two decades of education reform, teachers have been viewed as centra1 to both the problems of education and their solutions. Education researchers and school leaders have faced the challenge of motivating teachers to high levels of performance. According to sociologists, current school environments are a reward-scarce setting for professional work and often seem to work against teachers ' best efforts to grow professionally and improve student learning.
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