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dc.contributor.authorCapcelea, Valeriu-
dc.identifier.citationCapcelea, Valeriu. Menirea ștințelor umanitare în pregătirea specialiștilor din domeniul tehnicii și tehnologiilor contemporane / Valeriu Capcelea // Revista Tehnocopia : Rev. şt.-metodică. – 2017. – Nr 1(16). – P. 5-14. – ISSN
dc.description.abstractThe present article deals with the problem of the role of the socio-humanitarian sciences in training specialists in the field of contemporary technique and technologies in higher educational technical institutions from our country. The author attempts to demonstrate that the formation of the future specialists’ state of spirit can be accomplished only through the purifying vitality of philosophy and other humanitarian sciences. It is also emphasized that the essence of the study of socio-humanitarian sciences for the students of technical specialties is determined by the fact that the future specialist is not only a bearer of some special knowledge and skills, but also a person bestowed with distinct humane qualities, being involved into a diversity of social relations among which the political, social and spiritual ones are of prime importance. At the same time, the author states that a necessary principle of the functioning of the higher educational technical system is the assurance of their activity in the quality of distinct socio-cultural institutions which have the purpose to satisfy the students’ interests and needs concerning both their professional training and their spirituality and morality.en
dc.publisherBiblioteca Ştiinţifică USARBro
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internațional*
dc.subjectsocio-humanitarian sciencesro
dc.subjecthigher educational technical institutionsen
dc.titleMenirea ștințelor umanitare în pregătirea specialiștilor din domeniul tehnicii și tehnologiilor contemporane [Articol]ro
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