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dc.contributor.authorКалига, Марина-
dc.identifier.citationКалига, Марина. Слушание классической музыки как интегрирующий фактор в воспитании школьников / Марина Калига // Tradiţii şi valori în formarea profesională a cadrelor didactice în învăţămîntul preşcolar şi primar : Materialele conf. şt. intern. consacrată aniversării a 55-a de la fondarea Fac. de Ştiinţe ale Educaţiei, Psihologie şi Arte, 29 oct. 2015. - Bălţi. - 2015. - P.
dc.description.abstractMusic is a colossal source of ideas. Without musical education is not possible a mental integrates development. Being one the areas of classical music, teaching to perceive the expressive musical language, pupils feel the need to integrate in music-teaching activities. This article describes the role and importance of classical music as an integrative component of music education. Theoretical earning of proposed repertoire, considering the pupils ‘psycho-physiological characteristics, will contribute through curricular perspective to the aims of music education, constituting a part of spiritual culture. Communicating with the art of music, pupil will better understand himself and others, he will be able to find his place in the changing world.en
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internațional*
dc.subjecteducaţie muzicalăro
dc.subjectmuzică clasicăro
dc.subjectклассическая музыкаru
dc.subjectмузыкальное воспитаниеru
dc.subjectвоспитании школьниковru
dc.titleСлушание классической музыки как интегрирующий фактор в воспитании школьников [Articol]ru
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