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Title: Development of dictionary discourse [Articol]
Authors: Şmatov, Valentina
Keywords: dictionary discourse
elaboration of dictionary discourse
linguistic information
vocabulary units
informaţie lingvistică
unități de vocabular
Issue Date: 2006
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Şmatov, Valentina. Development of dictionary discourse / Valentina Şmatov // Materialele Colocviului Comemorativ Internaţional "Tradiţie şi modernitate în abordarea limbajului" consacrat aniversării a 65-a de la naşterea profesorului Mircea Ioniţă, 25 noiembr. 2006, Bălţi. – Bălţi. – 2006. - P.76-77.
Abstract: The presentation explores dictionary discourse which may be defined as a stretch of language the pragmatic aim of which is to provide linguistic information about vocabulary units necessary for the speaker’s encoding and the listener’s decoding of message. The aim of the presentation is to outline some recent tendencies in the elaboration of dictionary discourse in the learners’ dictionaries (“Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English” 2005 ,”Longman Language Activator” 1996) .
Appears in Collections:Articole

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