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Title: Profile and trends of labor migration from Republic of Moldova [Articol]
Authors: Branaşco, Natalia
Filip, Nolea
Keywords: migraţia forţei de muncă
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Branaşco, Natalia. Profile and trends of labor migration from Republic of Moldova / Natalia Branaşco, Nolea Filip // Asigurarea viabilităţii economico-manageriale pentru dezvoltarea durabilă a economiei regionale în condiţiile integrării în Uniunea Europeană : Materialele Conf. şt. intern., Bălţi, 16-17 septembrie, 2016. – Iaşi : Editura Pim, 2017. – P. 147-155. – ISBN 978-606-13-3642-5.
Abstract: At the beginning of the third millennium labor migration becomes an important factor of economic development, reasons that make this phenomenon in the scientists’ attention. Migration is considered a major issue facing many developing countries, including Moldova. Free movement of human capital increases the welfare of all market participants and thus create the necessary incentives for improvement of individuals and continuing economic development. But this phenomenon is bad for the country of origin of migrants. Migrating brain is a loss to society, because the money invested in human capital formation cannot be recovered. So the export of human capital points to a problematic situation in the country of origin to exporters.
Appears in Collections:Articole

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