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Title: Beneficiilie exerciţiilor fizice pentru studenţii cu dereglări de sănătate ale sistemului nervos [Articol]
Authors: Morari, Alexandru
Keywords: physical exercise
nervous activity
transmission speed of nervous influxes
students with different disorders of the nervous system
exerciţiu fizic
activitatea nervoasă
viteza de transmitere a influxurilor nervoase
studenţi cu diferite tulburări ale sistemului nervos
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Morari, Alexandru. Beneficiilie exerciţiilor fizice pentru studenţii cu dereglări de sănătate ale sistemului nervos / Alexandru Morari // Conferinţa ştiinţifico-practică internaţională "Educaţia incluzivă: dimensiuni, provocări, soluţii", ed. a 2-a, 07 octombrie 2016 = II Международная научно-практическая конференция "Инклюзивное образование: направления, проблемы, решения". – Bălţi : [s.n.], 2016. – P. 105-109.
Abstract: Physical exercise positively influences nervous activity, stimulating the transmission speed of nervous influxes with special effects in increasing mental efficiency and concentration capacity. The exercise positively affects tired or sick nervous centers, which are required in excess, restoring them. This article aims to train students a healthy concept about movement, about its positive effects obtained through systematic practice of physical exercise, to instill interest and desire to move. The article suggests a range of affordable and effective exercises for students with different disorders of the nervous system.
Appears in Collections:Articole

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