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dc.contributor.authorGupalova, Elena-
dc.identifier.citationGupalova, Elena. Фортепианные произведения В. Ротару в концертно-конкурсном и педагогическом репертуаре Республики Молдова = Pianistic works of composer V. Rotaru in the concert and pedagogical repertoire of the Republic of Moldova / Elena Gupalova // Valorificarea strategiilor inovaţionale de dezvoltare a învăţămîntului artistic contemporan : Vol. Conf. şt.-practice intern. dedicat memoriei Dr. habilitat în pedagogie Vladimir Babii / coord.: Tatiana Bularga [et al.]. – Bălţi : [s.n.], 2016. – P. 219-222. – ISBN
dc.description.abstractIn this article, the author describes the pianistic heritage of composer V. Rotaru from the perspective of its importance for the concert and pedagogical activity in the Republic of Moldova. Piano miniatures that are different in variety of artistic ideas and content are included in this anthology. The part of the collection is represented by mobile works, which contain significant technical difficulties and are often used in concert and contest repertoire of Moldova (Expromt, Humoresque, Toccata, cycle Improvisations etc.). Another part of lyrical cantilena piano pieces by the composer is characterized by sincere warmth that is often associated with the landscapes of Moldovan nature. (Doina, Silhouettes, Preludes cycle et al.). All the works have a number of teaching and performing features, typical figurative and emotional system, evident technical issues and based on the national folklore. All this makes them indispensable in pedagogical and concert competitive repertoire in the special piano course in the secondary and higher educational institutions of the Republic of Moldova.en
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internațional*
dc.subjectpiano worksen
dc.subjectrhythmic patternen
dc.subjectstyle featuresen
dc.subjectpedagogical and concert-competitive repertoireen
dc.subjecttoccata worksen
dc.subjectlyrical miniaturesen
dc.subjectnational characteren
dc.subjectteaching and performing tasksen
dc.subjectфортепианные произведенияru
dc.subjectритмический рисунокru
dc.subjectособенности стиляru
dc.subjectпедагогический и концертно-конкурсный репертуарru
dc.subjectтоккатные произведенияro
dc.subjectлирические миниатюрыru
dc.subjectнациональный колоритru
dc.subjectдидактические и исполнительские задачиru
dc.titleФортепианные произведения В. Ротару в концертно-конкурсном и педагогическом репертуаре Республики Молдова [Articol]ru
dc.title.alternativePianistic works of composer V. Rotaru in the concert and pedagogical repertoire of the Republic of Moldovaen
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