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Title: Educaţia artistică în preşcolaritate: abordări conceptuale [Articol]
Other Titles: Artistic tendencies in preschool education: approaches of concept
Authors: Crişciuc, Viorica
Keywords: predispoziţii artistice
domeniile artei
competenţe musicale
educaţie timpurie
mecanismul cunoaşterii
artistic tendencies
fields of art
musical skills
early education
the mechanism of knowledge
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Crişciuc, Viorica. Educaţia artistică în preşcolaritate: abordări conceptuale = Artistic tendencies in preschool education: approaches of concept / Viorica Crişciuc // Valorificarea strategiilor inovaţionale de dezvoltare a învăţămîntului artistic contemporan : Vol. Conf. şt.-practice intern. dedicat memoriei Dr. habilitat în pedagogie Vladimir Babii / coord.: Tatiana Bularga [et al.]. – Bălţi : [s.n.], 2016. – P. 184-187. – ISBN 978-9975-3145-9-6.
Abstract: The article describes conceptual aspects related to the artistic tendencies in preschool education. The realization of this process is presented by operating with the concepts of the famous occidental, Russian and local scientists. One of the ideas characteristic to the scientists’ pedagogical thinking is that in the process of formation/development of the child through arts, the child is submitting the objects and phenomena to his/her previously acquired assimilation schemes. To insure integrity in the practical way of the early education, the methodology we are proposing is based on a research, a significant theoretical network of successful pedagogical practices of word known scientists.
Appears in Collections:Articole

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