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Title: Abordări educaţionale specifice în cazul copiilor cu autism [Articol]
Authors: Pereteatcu, Maria
Keywords: copii
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Pereteatcu, Maria. Abordări educaţionale specifice în cazul copiilor cu autism / Maria Pereteatcu // Rezistenţa la educaţie: Soluţii şi perspective : Materialele Conf. Şt.-practice intern. organizată în cadrul proiectului instituţional, Cercet. fenomenului rezistenţei educaţiei sub aspect socio-psiho-pedagogic în şcoala primară rurală, cifrul 11.817.08.70A. – Bălţi : [s.n.], 2014. – P. 232-240. – ISBN 978-9975-132-15-2.
Abstract: Article provides extensive information about the causes of autism and diagnosis based on the analysis of several studies conducted in universities in the USA and the UK. The article considers the statistical data and the situation of Moldovan parents who have children diagnosed with autism. Article provides special support for the parents who are in need of knowledge and professionals, about autism behaviors and implementation of work methods and techniques required in the recovery of children with autism.
Appears in Collections:Articole

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