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dc.contributor.authorFocşa, Ionro
dc.identifier.citationFocşa, Ion. Dezvoltarea formelor de manifestare a rezistenţei la orele de educaţie fizică / Ion Focşa // Rezistenţa la educaţie: Soluţii şi perspective : Materialele Conf. Şt.-practice intern. organizată în cadrul proiectului instituţional, Cercet. fenomenului rezistenţei educaţiei sub aspect socio-psiho-pedagogic în şcoala primară rurală, cifrul 11.817.08.70A. – Bălţi : [s.n.], 2014. – P. 377-381. – ISBN
dc.description.abstractIn the article are cleared up the issues related to the development of the forms of manifestation of resistance as a fundamental ability for the students of „Alecu Russo” State University during the hours of physical education, hindering such forms of resistance as: the resistance in general and the strength of the joint venture, being removed from their particularities. At the same time,the article also speaks about the types of resistence based on the criterion of „nature of the effort of”: the effort with constant intensity; the effort with variable intensity; as a matter of force; as a matter of speed; as a matter of skill; long-lasting; mid-term and short lasting. The article also approaches the methods and means by which the resistance can be developed as a an ability of force: Possible methods and means by which the resistance can be expanded as an ability of force are also approached: the method of repeated efforts (the repetition of the same relative effort); efforts method variables (change the scroll speed of certain portions of the compared the duration); progressive efforts method (founded on the intensity of the effort variation); the training method with the specified intervals as a basic method in the development of resistance as a dynamic quality for students during the physical education classes. It is necessary to take into account the most important requirement-consistency which is a rule that must include a very specific planning per semester, academic year of activities that can contribute to the development of the physical resistance of the students.en
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internațional*
dc.subjecteducaţie fizicăro
dc.titleDezvoltarea formelor de manifestare a rezistenţei la orele de educaţie fizică [Articol]ro
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