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Title: Construcţii analitice privind asigurarea condiţiilor de instruire a elevilor în clasele cu regim simultan [Articol]
Authors: Briţchi, Aliona
Keywords: şcoli simultane
învăţământ simultan
standarde educaţionale
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Briţchi, Aliona. Construcţii analitice privind asigurarea condiţiilor de instruire a elevilor în clasele cu regim simultan / Aliona Briţchi // Rezistenţa la educaţie: Soluţii şi perspective : Materialele Conf. Şt.-practice intern. organizată în cadrul proiectului instituţional, Cercet. fenomenului rezistenţei educaţiei sub aspect socio-psiho-pedagogic în şcoala primară rurală, cifrul 11.817.08.70A. – Bălţi : [s.n.], 2014. – P. 53-60. – ISBN 978-9975-132-15-2.
Abstract: In this article is a retrospective analysis of the literature with reference to the conditions of their students' training simultaneous regime. The needs of society are simultaneously upgraded oriented schools that will improve the quality and effectiveness of the educational environment rural and urban areas as the state educational standards, targeted education for new and effective quality that meets the requirements of students' personality, society and education. Training and development of mobile personalities, self-made, capable of lifelong learning is the priority of the education system in Moldova.
Appears in Collections:Articole

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