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Title: Translation competences and market demands [Articol]
Authors: Răciula, Ludmila
Keywords: translation
market demands
competenţa de traducere
limba sursă
limba ţintă
procesul de traducere
piaţa muncii
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: USARB
Citation: Răciulă, Ludmila. Translation competences and market demands / Ludmila Răciulă // Integrarea specialistului cu studii superioare pe piaţa muncii: aspecte naţionale şi internaţionale : Materialele Conf. şt.-practice Intern., Bălţi, 21-22 oct. 2011. - Bălţi. - 2012. - P. 162-163.
Abstract: The international character of the market is more than ever evident today, when companies become multinational. Evidently, the need for translators is increasing. Companies seek translators that can translate quickly and efficiently. This article analyzes what makes a good translator in today’s highly technological world. It also aims at determining basic translation competences and the way they meet the market demand. The paper is an attempt to prove that in today’s fast-moving world translators simply cannot face the market demand, if they do not make use of modern technologies. The paper will consider the advantages and disadvantages of software and IT, used in translation and the way they affect the process of translation.
În condiţiile integrării europene piaţa a căpătat un caracter internaţional. Evident, serviciile traducătorilor sînt tot mai des solicitate. Companiile îşi doresc specialişti care pot efectua o traducere calitativă într-o perioadă scurtă de timp. În acest articol, abordăm problema competenţei de traducere, analizăm componenţele ei şi comparăm competenţa de traducere cu cerinţele pieţei muncii.
Appears in Collections:Articole

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